Illinois Concealed Carry

16 Hour Concealed Carry
- 1. Firearm safety; 2 hours Classroom Recommended
- 2. Basic principles of marksmanship; 3 hours Classroom/Range Recommended
- 3. Care, cleaning, loading, and unloading of a concealable firearm; 3 hours Classroom Recommended
- 4. All applicable State and Federal laws realting to the ownership, storage, carry, and transportation of a firearm; 4 hours Classroom Recommended
- 5. Weapon Handling; 4 hours Recommended
- 4 basic firearm handling safety rules
- Home storage
- Vehicle storage
- Other storage, such as, storage at public and private agencies
- Stance
- Grip
- Sight Alignment
- Sight Pictures
- Trigger Control
- Gun identification: revolver, semi-automatic, misc.
- Ammunition identification and selection
- Safety and cleaning protocols
- Cleaning equipment
- Loading and unloading
- The Act relating to the ownership, carry, and transportation of a firearm 1) with emphasis on 430 ILC 66/10(h) which includes instruction on the appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting pr carrying a concealed firearm. 2) with emphasis on 430 ILCS 66/65 which includes instruction on prohibited areas and the parking lot exception.
- The FOID Act 430 ILCS 65/1 et. seq.
- Relevant portions of. the ILCS including but not limited to
- 720 ILCS 5/7-1. Use of force in defense of a person**
- 720 ILCS 5/7-2. use of force in the defense of dwelling**
- 720 ILCS 5/7-3. Use of force in the defense of other property**
- 720 ILCS 24/1 et. seq. Unlawful Use of Weapons**
- ** Must define dwelling, aggressor, forcible felony, and unlawful use of weapons pursuant to the ILCS.
- Handgun fundamentals
- Handgun concealment
- Live fire qualification with a concealable firearm consisting of a minimum of 30 rounds which must includes 10 rounds from distance of 5 yards; 10 rounds from a distance of 7 yards; and 10 rounds from a distance of 10 yards at a B-27 silhouette target approved by the illinois State Police. (See and click on the forms and brouchers tab)

8 Hour Concealed Carry
Who is this course for?
Individuals who are active or ex-military (DD214 needed) as well as ex-police ( law enforcement certification training needed)
Both Items Required:
- Documents of proof from a former law enforcement or correction officer who has completed a Department approved training course in connection with the applicant’s previous employment as a law enforcement or correction officer. (must also have good standing separation letter)
- Documents providing evidence that he. or she separated from former employment in good standing from each law enforcement agency where he or she was employed.
Documents providing proof that the trained individual was an Active, Retired, or Honorable Discharge (DD214 or NGB22) member of the United States Armed Forces.
Certificate of NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home.
Certificate of NRA Personal Protection in the Home.
Certificate for NRA BAsic Pistol
Other proof of prior firearm training certification approved by the Illinois State Police (8 Hour Creedit)

3 Hour Concealed Carry
Who is this course for?
Individuals who currently hold an ILCCL and are subject to renewal.
What does the 3 Hour Course cover?
- 1. All applicable state and federal laws relating to the ownership, storage, carry, and transportation of a firearm; 2 hours Classroom Recommended.
- 2. Weapon Handling; 1 hour Range Recommended.
a. The Act relating to the ownership, storage, carry and transportation of firearm.
1) with emphasis on 430 ILC66/10(h) which includes instruction on the appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting or carrying a concealed firearm.
2) with emphasis on 430 ILC 66/65 which includes instruction on prohibit areas and the parking lot exception
b. The FOID Act 430 ILCS 65/1 et. seq.
c. Relevant portions of the ILCS including but not limited to
1) 720 ILCS 5/7-1. Use of force in defense of a person**
2) 720 ILCS 5/7-2. Use of force in defense of dwelling**
3) 720 ILCS 5/7-3. Use of force in defense of other property**
4) 720 ILCS 24/1et. seq. Unlawful Use of Weapon**
**Must define dwelling, aggresor, forcible felony and unlawful use of weapon pursuant to the ILCS
a. Handgun fundamentals
b. Handgun concealment
c. Live fire qualification instruction
d. Live fire qualification with a concealable firearm consisting of a minimum of 30 rounds which must include 10 rounds from a distance of 5 yards; 10 rounds from a distance of 7 yards; and 10 rounds from a distance of 10 yards at a B-27 silhouette target approved by the Illinois State Police.
Contact Us
5725 S. Archer Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60638
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